holiday outdoor wears for cocktail party

This entire thing is like something from an Alfred Hitchcock movie. -
I write things that your not ready for, I erase most of it, because I know you will never understand.
Small steps .
Do we ever venture to think outside the box, far outside the box, I want you to know, we create the box, our existence and we live in a safe structured world of our making, we pile on so much that we can't even think about anything else, we need this, it gives us a sense of purpose. Importance in a world where we would otherwise be window dressing along the fringe of life.
It's very simple and very very complex.
You are an experiment in evolution, what you learn along the way gives you tools to work with, that's the intended way.
We get distracted, if it doesn't present itself, we become board and create the time sequence, we choose someone because we don't wish to wait for the right one to present themselves, all are looking for that place to fit in, many substitute because they become impatient waiting, they go down a road that sends them in a different direction before you have something to give, you must work on you, get past your issues, we know that's not going to happen. It's all take and nothing is given, we want someone to fix us, and then we fight them when they do.
The only one who can fix you is you.
What if you don't have a box.
But a temporary existence. With no formal parameters.
Your a witness to the unfolding of time.
Now try to initiate, an end result for a short term application, totally changing the course of your existence, an experiment in deductive reasoning.
A possible course that could become permanent.
If you hold it as a possible, it may get off the ground, if you think of it as a permanent change, they may not let it happen.
I have tried to push the boundaries before, it never works, it seems like it is manipulated, that which I set in motion fails, and I am returned to the same place. If we know their going to stop us from the path we are traveling, can we push on through, can we achieve a life changing event, or will we be roped back in.

It's easy to cause dissension, their real good at sowing discord. They can stop anything dead in it's tracks. What I want to know is can we force it to go in another direction.
If we are stopped every time, it becomes obvious that this is controlled and our choices have no bearing. But we would need to be of one mind on such an experiment, knowing that they will sow discord. they plan the trap.
Otherwise it would fail every time. We are pressing our existence, it would stand to reason that if there is an end result, Then all things must play out to bring about that end result. Which means we can't change anything significant. God set things into motion, but the ass hole, changes the direction we are traveling, you know him as satan, the ass hole.
Poor choices are allowed because they are temporary and come with consequences, things we learn from, but good choices, or choices that may be good for us, their circumvented, we seem to be sabotaged from making any real life changes.
We can't change the future by rearranging events in the present. I would like to.
I would like to test the boundaries of life and press it to change.
I don't believe it will let me.
I don't believe they will let it happen.
The one who is orchestrating, created by God, rearranged by the jealous, manipulated by demons.
Is your life your own or is it carefully manipulated.
Recent events would tell me their manipulated by the dominion. Where every day becomes a disaster. Sitting by watching this happen just ticks me off, pressing the envelope tells me absolutely that there is involvement from outside forces, and if that is true, then everything in the game changes.
clarity of mind, we see them manipulating us, if we all stand together, and refuse to go along, they would be exposed. problems arise, when they notice us, noticing them, we fall under major attack. So many belong to the dark side and give resistance in every area.

People cause collateral damage by stopping you from the direction you are traveling, they press your time and cause distraction, I know a lot of them. But demons will change the course you are traveling by purposely playing people for an end result, misconstruing, taking your mind to a place you otherwise would not go.
We seem like puppets on a string, decisions are made for us, and we don't even know we are being played. I don't like being controlled, by man, or other entities, especially other entities, lessor gods screwing with us, remember they were thrown out for their involvement back in the beginning, about 2400 years before Christ, why would they listen now. Their still playing you like a fool. We know the end result, because it is obvious. Everything can be reverse engineered, even thought and intent and everything that unfolds has a reason, if you see the end result , you know the path that was set to get there.
We can't pull away from the world long enough to get our minds straight, clear vision, it's on the other side of distraction.
I would like to change every aspect of my life, 100% change, and see if they let me get away with it, relationships are sabotaged everyday, anything good is short cut with misunderstanding, misconstruing and sometimes thinking things that do not even apply. They will not let you be balanced, the strong always carry the weak, this allows for manipulation. Two strong people together is almost unheard of, it would mean, things may flow really well, they can't have that happening. I would like to moving to another location, things can be blocked, made almost impossible. If we push hard enough, it can happen, at least that's my belief. I feel we are a seriously pathetic species ruled by a jailer named satan, " satan, the god of this world has blinded the eye's of those who are perishing" holiday outdoor wears for cocktail party
That's right from the Bible. Which tells me that we are sleeping, and haven't got a clue. A very primitive race, bumbling and talking to ourselves about all kinds of nonsense.