hippie wedding dresses

I realized that my younger sister's wedding is in 1 month and I am NOT prepared AT ALL. I can't even fit in the dress I made MYSELF last year. That is unacceptable.

I am NOT my happiest, healthiest self and honestly why I haven't been posting much is because I've been struggling myself. How can I help others when I'm not doing the work myself?!

Kyle recently pointed out to me that Country Heat while fun is not giving me the intensity that I NEED with my more butt sitting day ... job.

So, next week I'm committing to another round of Core De Fore until my wrist heals enough to bear more weight and lift some weight- as it stands now I will most likely be modifying push-ups.

I've gained more than I want to admit- I'll be getting real with measurements and photos tomorrow in my private support group!

If you want to join me for a week of focusing on eating more fruits/veggies healthy meals and being more active in our daily lives then comment below! No sales, no pressure - just community and support!

I'm done talking- it's time for ACTION so no more talking- We start tomorrow!!

I'm going to be starting with Cize and yoga this week, maybe some P90X3 but I am committing to at least one 30 min workout every day this week from the BOD library- as well as watching my portions, and QUALITY/TIMING of my food- for more details and to follow along with this week long journey just comment below with "I'm in" and I'll add you! hippie wedding dresses

The only thing stopping you is YOU and the excuses you tell yourself every day. I'm guilty too- but the only one who can fix it is ME. I KNOW what to do- I know the routine that I am successful with- so I am getting back to it- starting tomorrow!

You ready??? I could use a few friends! - it's lonely by myself!!

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