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Dating problems only females understand

Even with the tons of dating material out there on the internet and bookstores, we ladies still encounter awkward situations while in a relationship. Like seriously, you would think a 23year old lady would have gotten the hang of the dating thing already but nah! Under that gorgeous façade is raging confusion sidled with nervousness, doubts, name it! evening dresses online

Here’s a list of dating problems only women understand.

When you like him but his friends are jerks

It’s not like you can tell him to ditch his forever friends for you who he met days ago! So you put up with hanging out with him and his annoying friends who can’t take a single clue!

When he looks nothing like his online profile photo

And here’s why most of us detest online dating! After you’ve tripped for the guy with his smooth ways and of course good looks evident in his online photos then you’ll meet him real life and realize you’ve landed into deep sh*t since our guy’s look is no charmer!

When he tells you he just got out of a relationship

Okay this guy asked you out and now he’s giving you a line about how he got his heart broken recently and doesn’t ever want to trust women again and you are like “what am I doing here all dressed up again?!”

When the idea of going home sounds so appealing!

No, not his home but yours! Because 30 minutes into the date you still don’t find anything to like about the guy and you’re regretting ever going out with him in the first place so calmly sip your wine and think about fun things you should have been doing at home while he rambles on and on.