UcenterDress edgy style wears for prom and formal party

from the inbox:

Post anon please as always

Background to this incident:


The last few weeks have been a rough one for me. I was recently admitted to the hospital for severe lower back and lower abdominal pain. I apparently have a cyst on my left kidney that is causing pain. Now it's non cancerous but it is causing pain so I get to see a specialist about this now.

Now to the actual story:

I recently had a coworker ask me if I wanted children. I thought I had no reason to explain myself so I only said "no." she began to rant to me about how I'll change my mind as I'm only 23 this went on for about 15 minutes with me saying nothing as i went about my business working on my projects (she was a manager as well.) Finally I got fed up and said to her "I have a cyst on my kidney that is genetic from my mother's side and I have various medical problems (that I also named for her but will keep this shorter for the page) why would I want to even possibly deal with my health issues being genetic AND passing them down. Or the awful situation of me being a horrible mother to my child because I can't deal with them and my problems?" she turned beet red and muttered "sorry" to me and walked away quickly. UcenterDress edgy style wears for prom and formal party

Why should I have to explain myself to someone who doesn't understand? Sure I don't want kids to begin with but I'm also choosing so we don't have more children with health problems in this already fucked world.

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